EngazeWell’s AI-powered resume screening for more efficient and effective hiring decisions

EngazeWell’s intelligent resume filtering process identifies the most qualified candidates for a job opening by evaluating job applications.


Fantastic theme!

How it helps?


Recruiters can swiftly pinpoint a group of candidates who fulfill the fundamental prerequisites for the job.


Partiality in the hiring procedure is diminished, guaranteeing equitable evaluation of all applicants.

Cost Effective

Scrutinizing resumes is cut down, thereby economizing recruitment expenditures.

Improved Candidate Experience

Communication with the suitable candidates only.

Why Engazewell?

Keyword Matching

EngazeWell's ATS system scans resumes for specific keywords that match the job description directly.

Resume Parsing

It then extracts relevant information from resumes and stores it in a structured format for easy review.

Customizable Scoring

Based on criteria such as education, work experience, and skills, each resume is assigned scores directly.

World-Wide Support

EngazeWell provides 24x7 support across the globe directly.